Friday, December 16, 2016

Leiper’s Fork Does a Christmas Parade like No One Else

They have set the bar high as far as Christmas Parades that are for the unusual, the different and the common. They are all celebrated in Leiper’s Fork. I guess that’s why I keep going to them. They give a photographer like me something to shoot. Just go back to my previous posts covering Leiper’s Fork (December 26, 2012 – Nothing Like a Leiper’s Fork Parade and December 20, 2013 – Leiper’s Fork Christmas Parade with a Squeal). Yes, they say, “The Leiper’s Fork Christmas Parade is ‘Almost World-Famous.’” And it’s true.

Below is a tally of what I saw this year.
      ·         Dogs

·         Pigs

·         Sheep

·         Goats

·         Calves

·         Donkeys

·         Mules

·         Spotted Mules

·         Horses

·         Tricycles on VWs

·         Bicycles

·         Horse Drawn Wagons

·         Angels with Garland Halos

·         Tractors

·         Honey wagon

·         Classic Cars

·         Pickup Trucks

·         The Grinch

·         Little Girl Spectators

·         Adult Spectators

·         Hillbillies and Rednecks

·         A Smoking Cowboy

·         Cowboys and Cowgirls

·         Cheer Teams

·         Power Drillers

·         Pipes and Drums

·         Bluegrass Bands

·         Beauty Pageant Winners

·         Santa Claus

Review my older posts. What did you see? I hope you celebrate what you see and what you do not see this Christmas. Celebrate the relationships, invisible but real. Worship the King.



Deuteronomy 30.15 – See the paths before you: one is life and prosperity; the other death and adversity.

Job 19.26 – Though I will I die, I will see God in my flesh.

Psalms 115.5 – They have eyes, but cannot see.

Esther 8.6 – How could I bear to see the destruction of my relatives?

Matthew 2.2 – Where is He who has been born king? We saw His star and have come to worship

Matthew 5.8 – The pure in heart are blessed, for they will see God.

Matthew 25.39 – When did we see you sick or in prison, and visit you?

Luke 23.8 – Herod was glad to see Jesus, because he was hoping to see some miracle.

John 1.46 – Can anything good come from that place? Philip answered, “Come and see.”

John 16.16 – Soon, you will not see Him, and then in a little while you will see Him.

John 20.25 – Unless I see and feel, I will not believe.

Acts 8.23 – I see you are poisoned by bitterness and caught up in wrong doing.

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