Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Kamp Keck Is Always Crazy

You will recall that we’ve hosted a camp experience for our grandchildren for the past several years. I’ve written on two of them (Jul 10, 2013 and Aug 21, 2012). This year I am re-posting Saundria’s version of what we did during the last week of July and first week of August. Her account was posted in her blog, “Pass the Bread” (http://passthebreadmom.com/) this past week. I’ve included additional photos with this posting.

Yes, Parents, They Will Need to Be Detoxed
By Saundria Keck, August 10, 2015

To be honest I am exhausted. But then I’m always exhausted as Kamp Keck comes to a close.

This year we took a different approach to camp. Week one we took our granddaughters (Hadley, age 11 and Analayne, age 10) to Washington D.C. We visited some of the Smithsonian museums as well as monuments and memorials. We enjoyed breakfast in the Hart Senate Office Building where we had our picture taken with Senator Lamar Alexander. Then one of his interns led us on a tour of The Capitol. We spent a day at Mount Vernon, home of George and Martha Washington. Oh and we must not forget the photo in front of the White House. A great week–girls’ style.



After delivering the girls to their parents, we picked up our grandsons (Shepherd, age 8 and Leighton, age 6) and headed for Atlanta, Georgia. We made a stop in Chattanooga for Julie Darlings donuts. Once in Atlanta, we visited the Lego Discovery Center, the Georgia Aquarium, and the Coca Cola Museum (a great place to get children “high” on sugar). We spent one evening watching the Atlanta Braves play the San Francisco Giants and eating junk food common to baseball parks. Braves lost, but we had a winning experience. A great week–boys’ style.
For those of you who follow our camp adventures, you might be wondering why we did camp differently this year. Well, this the last summer we will have only four grandchildren who are old enough to travel with us. By next summer we will have two more. Chad and Candace will be going to China in the near future to pick up two little boys. Most likely our new grandsons will not be ready for camp away from their parents by next summer as they will need plenty of bonding time. We as grandparents are wondering how we will do camp in 2016. Check in then to see.

Though we took the girls and the boys to different locations, there were things in common. One was swimming, lots of swimming. What would we do without hotel pools? A second was complaints about sharing a bed, but sure makes for good war stories. A third was a not-so-healthy diet. Not that I recommend this on a continuing basis, but after all it was camp and we are grandparents. Gotta cut us some slack.
So yes, their parents will need to detox their children from cheeseburgers, french fries, milk shakes, and M&Ms, to name a few. They will also need to detox them from over activity and too little sleep. But the one thing we pray will not need detoxing is their emotional and spiritual tanks. We tried to keep those full of goodness and love. We passed the “bread.” (John 6:35)




Deuteronomy 6.7 – As you go, teach your children that God is good.

Deuteronomy 6. 20 – When your son or daughter asks you, you can say what the Lord has done for you.

Psalm 78.4 – Tell the next generation what God has done, His power and wonders.

Psalm 79.13 – God’s people will praise Him and from generation to generation they will recount it.

Psalm 145.4 – One generation will commend God’s works to another.

2 Timothy 1.5 – Faith can be a legacy of one generation to the next generation, if it is lived out clearly and sincerely.

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