There are many “Ark Want-to-Bees,” but this is the real
deal, which exists along with two other full-scale arks in the world that I know
about. One is in water and has sailed several rivers, and is currently moored near
Dordrecht, Netherlands. It is referred to a Johan’s Ark and like the Ark
Encounter, it is an interactive and educational museum. The second is in Hong
Kong and includes hotel rooms, along with its museum.
A few reduced scale replicas exist, but the one I find
most interesting was built by Greenpeace to warn us about the “impending
climate disaster.” It is located in Igdir, eastern Turkey, not far from Mount
So, in a sense, the “deluge” or catastrophic flood of the
Bible is larger than faith. Yet, many doubt. On the other hand, the Bible and
many other sources say it did. Accounts have been told and recorded from many
cultures and from around the world. There are African, Asian, South American,
European as well as from the Middle East. Most pre-date the Biblical story and
faith of Abraham. Most place the event the earliest of early events in the
world. So this is the context. We don’t know a great deal about the people and
culture of the time, except that the Bible as well as some of the myths dealing
with the flood say the people on earth were evil (Genesis 6.1-7).
Back to the “real deal.” I write this because the size
and investment in these 3 structures is no small feat and the interactive
materials provided are extensive. You may want to re-read Genesis 6-8 to
understand the context behind the ark. Scripture says:
The ark is to be 450 feet long (300 cubits) and
75 feet wide (50 cubits) and 45 feet high (30 cubits).
It is to have 3 decks and a door in the side. It
is to have a roof. It is to have rooms.
The ark is to be made of gopher wood covered
inside and out with pitch.
Noah was instructed to bring 2 of every living
sort, male and female onboard.
Only 8 people were allowed to go-onboard: Noah
and his wife and his 3 sons and their wives.
God warned them that the earth was being judged
and would be destroyed.
In other words, these three arks are huge. So, when we entered
the Ark in Kentucky, Rowdy, who is only 7 years old went straight to the
theological questions. Why did Noah need this boat? Is this Noah’s boat? Why
did God want to send a flood? The kid is serious minded! But, he has always
been that way.
On deck one there were a variety of cage types, pots and
animal exhibits. Rowdy and Calvin loved the dinosaur-like creatures. The
exhibits were thought-provoking. The creatures on display were familiar, yet
not so-familiar. Deck one contained worms, reptiles, amphibians and flying
creatures, along with water storage vessels. Of course, Rowdy wanted to know
about each and every animal. At the Ark Encounter, animals were set apart by “kind.”
Depending on your translation, “sort” is also used (Genesis 6.19-20). The analytical
exercises these folks went through reminded me of the classification of animals
in biology. The experts behind Ark Encounter came up with nearly 1400 different
“kinds.” Rowy didn’t ask about this and I was glad.
Deck two held more reptiles, clean and unclean animals (Genesis
7.8-1 and Leviticus 11) along with food storage and living quarters, but the
major focus was on the “Pre-Flood World.” Mid-deck there is a theater that
loops an “Interview with Noah.” Deck 2 also has dioramas showing the “Working Quarters”
of Noah’s family.

These stimulating questions are the foundation to the Ark
Encounter. Answers provided will stretch your mind and faith. Did Noah and his
family have that kind of technology? What did people before the flood know? Did
they read and write? If the Tower of Babel came generations after Noah and his
sons, is that evidence that people were more advanced than we might think?
Maybe we moderns need to think more “outside the box.” How did the Egyptians
build the pyramids? How did Gobekli Tepe come about? What about the ruins at
Macho Picchu and Sacsayhuaman? How was Stonehenge constructed? We don’t know
what technologies these ancient civilizations may have had.

Genesis 6.14-16 – The Story of Noah, His wife and three
sons and their wives
Ezekiel 14.12 – The righteousness of Noah, Daniel and Job
saved their lives.
Matthew 24.36-42 – As with Noah, things change. God’s
promises (His Son’s return) are true.
Hebrews 11.7-8 – Noah by faith constructed an ark for the
saving of his household.