My friend David Draughon, although he passed away in May 2010, is still a friend to me and of my friends (Greg and Luke). He compels us in ways to be better men. Because of his example we do what friends do. On June 12 and 13, 2011 we backpacked to the summit of Rocky Top in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park from Cades Cove to scatter his ashes at a summit referred to as “Rocky Top.” We began our pilgrimage of sorts on a sunny afternoon. We took the summit by way of the Anthony Creek Trail, the Bote Mountain Trail and the Appalachian Trail. We spent the night in Spence Field shelter on the anniversary of his memorial service and on Monday, June 13, hiked from the shelter to Rocky Top. We finished our task when we returned to the cove late Monday afternoon.

It was David’s wish that we do this. (It may not have been this specific place where he wanted his ashes scattered; all he wanted was that they be scattered somewhere on the Appalachian Trail). Maybe it was his way to ensure that his hiking buddies would be held together to do at least one last thing. He probably knew we needed the exercise. I am sure he knew we needed to see the flame azalea, Mountain Laurel, and blackberry buds. He knew we needed to hear water tumble over the rocks in a creek, see a toad, and sleep on some hard shelter floor and see another awesome, staggering vista. He knew we needed blistered feet and sore, aching calves. These serve as adrenaline to this group of intrepid walkers. They also serve as both the excuse and reason for a long-enduring friendship. We cherish the memories of both.

To David we say, “We were honored to know you. You blessed our lives. You made us better men. We thank God for giving you to us. We pray you will rest comfortably atop Rocky Top. As you might have wanted, the view is great in all directions.”
Readers, see for yourselves. Enjoy the hike. For the “3 amigos,” it kicked our butts. Our blisters were our badges. For this we say, “Thank you, David.”

Proverbs 27:17 – People learn from one another, just as iron sharpens iron. (GNT)
Ecclesiastes 12.7 – Our bodies will return to the dust of the earth, and the breath of life will go back to God, who gave it to us. (GNT)
Ecclesiastes 7.14 – God sends both happiness and trouble; you never know what is going to happen next. (GNT)
Psalm 104 – God’s creation, the darkness and light, moon, mountains, springs, rivers, trees, grass, birds, and wild animals are all from God. Praise God for His creation.